Real men don’t rape!

Parents ask their daughters to stay indoors, not go out alone or have a certain number of bodyguards disguised as friends with her. Everyday, we wake up to atleast a rape case screaming for justice. Many More than one. There are countless Indians that support the whole stigma with a justification that “Men will be men.” How justified is that? What do they want to convey by that? Dude, testosterone is not be blamed here. Rape is not sex. Rape is ‘dominance’ and ‘gruesome cruelty’. There cannot be any justified excuse to uplift rape.

When people say, “Girls ask for it. They provoke men.” , are they trying to say that the girl has nothing else to do other than getting raped and being murdered afterwards. Normalizing the whole act is not normal. The other day, I was told that “All men are dogs and will always be so.” Seriously? No. Men will be what they are taught to be. Same goes for women too. Education plays a major part here. If you educate your son and teach him to be a human being instead of a ‘bloodthirsty man’, he will eventually grow up to be so. The more you restrict your daughters and keep your sons away from the matter, the worse the whole scenario will get. Make both your daughter and son sit together and make them aware of what’s wrong and what’s right.

“Short clothes provoke/excite men.” Really? Have you noticed that the girls you read about in the newspapers who had been raped were not wearing any short clothes. We all must have heard about the Hathras gang rape case by now. She wasn’t wearing shorts and tee. Was she? She was still raped and tortuously murdered. So, how’s clothes the culprit? We all have seen men wearing half-unbottoned shirts roaming about in the streets shamelessly. Women’s body produce testosterone too. Do women go around raping men? Every gender needs to know that a ‘life’ is much more important than your fucking “desires”.

Do not set time-limits for just your daughter. Make it clear to both your daughter and son that none can be out late at night. Make the rules same. Why the discrimination? Don’t ask your daughter to spend her whole life in fear of being raped. She deserves to live, live to the fullest without an ounce of fear tingling in her mind every single second. It’s high time people review their views on ‘rape’ and ‘gender equality’.
